Art Journal

Neila Mezynski

Chopin and the Art of Baking Pie – Neila Mezynski

Decision to sing Right here between four wall window brown tree, no sympathy. Unremitting thirst. Think. Do go through step, bread milk gas car party child, real gold is. Listen. Baby intact. Steep price paid each intention/invention , gold from big brain, no one else. Dig. Slippery slop. Truth hidden behind noisy train comin. Listen […]

Urban Design by Keith Moul

by Keith Moul Click Image to See Full Size KEITH MOUL’S STATEMENT OF ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY I do not restrict my subject matter except to common decency. Good photos require good light, or at least enough light to manipulate with editing software. Any photo taken may produce at least one version of itself that is worth […]

Poems by Carolyn Fargnoli

Poems written by Carolyn Fargnoli Aubade A lost song of morning. If it weren’t for the mockingbirds all night, you’d be rested. You never change & you are lost in winter & I can’t understand what is so wrong & the one-eyed owl hisses in its cage: he can’t see you approach & danger is […]

Not Resolving the Solstices

by Tom Bair and John Wilson of Future Machine Our own Tom Bair is a finalist in Write Bloody Publishing‘s 2012 book contest. One of twenty finalists, Tom was asked to make a video of himself performing a poem. So he grabbed John and John asked him to walk around. We at Circus Book ask […]

Shoe Charm

by Future Machine

Sneak Peek

by Future Machine

Brit Kinnard

images by Brit Kinnard click to see full-size

Fill in the Blank

by Ricky Garni Fill in the Blank FILL IN THE BLANK: Sure, I’ll buy that book. It … 1) is brown 2) has a nun in it 3) smells like victory 4) loves me back 5) ‘s four dead in o-hi-o 6) is haunting my life 7) is haunting your life 8) is so cute […]

Only With Myself

by Benjamin Nardolilli Only With Myself It was the priest who brought us together, We both laughed at him, When we went to the water without his cross And when we walked back to the hotel To rest without reading his Bible. In the morning I woke And nestled up to you, momma bird, You […]