
Dream Crasher – 13-15

E.D. Rodriguez – XVII.

Abuela Lucy made me get Heinekens for her, she made me sit there, and watch her as she glugged down suds, and the soaps that watched her as she lay, in a dutch-infused state. Is she dreaming? And of what? Tall brown men in bone colored suits and Sunday hats, crooning while smothering the strings […]

Jimmy the Loch – Ego Death

Dream Crasher – 9-12

E.D. Rodriguez – V.

The road to Coroico, with coca leaves in our cheeks we dreamt through the winding Andean trail, whiplash vistas drenched in two histories. Gravelled inclines higher and denser into the clandestine jungle. Canine terra guards and suspect gazes marked our entry. We flew the valley the past strapped on our backs. From those heights we […]

Jimmy the Loch – Crappetite

Dream Crasher – 6-8

E.D. Rodriguez – IV

Citrus lined hillside pass, we rode it wayward rumrunners, farm honey dressing our lips. Drunk cheer bellowed from our missile van, four motivated passengers, riding triumphantly to shore. All bore a mischief, pride from nights inside the dense tropiforest. We skipped through rotting fields, rusted fruit trains, and trails of dried molasses. Our eyes colonized […]

Jimmy the Loch – Double Jump