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A Living Artist – Dana Jaye

Just You and Me, Write? Dear Write, I made things before I knew I was making things. I made things before I made sure I had a me. I don’t know why. I don’t like myself much and would rather have a thing that is me that is outside of me and I like myself […]

Contents May Contain:

Consumption of The Autobiographical Novel             Justin Torres’ We the Animals is an admittedly autobiographical novel. Torres takes advantage of fiction’s freedoms as he pays attention to the careful placement of each object in each room. Like a doll’s house, it is the perfect replication of an image, a created memory. The reader is allowed […]

Tayari Jones - Silver Sparrow

Review – Silver Sparrow

Tayari Jones’ novel Silver Sparrow tells itself in memory and present, retrospect and retelling. The prose simply happens. It slips underneath and into you. Moves you from inside. Poised in history but set in the intimacy of individuals, Jones calls forward icons and minutiae with equal reverie. Her details are invocations, passages through which characters […]

In Search of Home

by Carmen Mojica Fabian The subject of home comes with a lot of emotions, thoughts, and memories. Physically, I am living in the South Bronx. I’ve called the Bronx home for nineteen years. My parents bore and raised our family for the first seventeen years of my life in the Morrison-Soundview area before they moved […]

Back to Browsing

by Dana Jaye Cadman Limitlessness and Impetus in Search & The Possibilities of Satiation In the search for content, limitlessness means that we can search for art whilst and where-ever we please. And we expect to find exactly what we are looking for. It’s simple. I know what I want is out there. In a […]

The Music of John Berryman’s Dream Songs

by Brian Trimboli We’re brought up on stories and the overall meaning they convey to teach facts alongside moral values. But what if that knowledge is only surface deep to begin with? What if we, as writers, often think of the page as two dimensional, and forget the fundamental sounds of our voices toward saying […]


by Leigh Phillips 33 keeps wanting to undress itself, so put on more concealer instead. Liquid makeup / Fond de Teint Liquide. This one’s from Clinique, and it’s supposed to fight blemishes while it paints over a coat of 600$ prescription skin cream. What not to swallow: Duac Topic Gel (Clindamycin 1%, Benzoyl Peroxide 5%), […]

Fill in the Blank

by Ricky Garni Fill in the Blank FILL IN THE BLANK: Sure, I’ll buy that book. It … 1) is brown 2) has a nun in it 3) smells like victory 4) loves me back 5) ‘s four dead in o-hi-o 6) is haunting my life 7) is haunting your life 8) is so cute […]

Stopping Suddenly

by Tom Bair So I’m on the train and it’s going along but it keeps starting and stopping, not at designated stops, but, like, in the middle of the tunnel. It’s early enough in the morning for this to be a treat, really. If I’m late to where I’m going I’ll be able to say […]