
Neila Mezynski

Chopin and the Art of Baking Pie – Neila Mezynski

Decision to sing Right here between four wall window brown tree, no sympathy. Unremitting thirst. Think. Do go through step, bread milk gas car party child, real gold is. Listen. Baby intact. Steep price paid each intention/invention , gold from big brain, no one else. Dig. Slippery slop. Truth hidden behind noisy train comin. Listen […]

by Marissa Paternoster

On Movement | Between Art and Capital

by lewis levenberg A few words, this week, on the vagaries of hanging out our shingle once more. We’ve encountered setbacks, delays, challenges, and so on. But we’re still dogging this startup—this conglomeration of our assets into publication, incubation, and focused curation—and it’s time to share what we’ve learned so far. Here’s to the phoenix, […]