
For the Doulas

by Carmen Mojica The job as a keeper and guardian of the birth space is extremely important. I know it has been very hard for me to feel like my presence matters or is even valuable in the delivery room. I began reading Birthing From Within after my second birth, in which I felt like […]


by Tracy Soren If I was a hype man and my latest project was to hype you up for this post, I would say: “If you’ve ever been on the corner of 34th and 7th at 5PM on a Thursday, just trying to make your train back to Ronkonkoma, this one’s for you! If you’ve […]

The Circus Was in Town

by Frannie M. The Circus met up on April 21, to plan the next 12 months and our eventual world domination. We thought it would be nice to give you out there on the interwebs a taste of what has happened and what is to come. First: thank you to all who came to our […]

Back to Browsing

by Dana Jaye Cadman Limitlessness and Impetus in Search & The Possibilities of Satiation In the search for content, limitlessness means that we can search for art whilst and where-ever we please. And we expect to find exactly what we are looking for. It’s simple. I know what I want is out there. In a […]

Why We Write: Intention and Voice in the Writing Classroom

by Frannie M. There is a reason we write. There are many reasons. We write to persuade, to entertain, to move, to communicate, and to deceive. When we pick up a pen we have an intention, fully formed or not. There is no writing without voice, without intent, or purpose. Because voice is, I posit, […]

by Marissa Paternoster

On Movement | Between Art and Capital

by lewis levenberg A few words, this week, on the vagaries of hanging out our shingle once more. We’ve encountered setbacks, delays, challenges, and so on. But we’re still dogging this startup—this conglomeration of our assets into publication, incubation, and focused curation—and it’s time to share what we’ve learned so far. Here’s to the phoenix, […]

Notes on Occupy Wall Street 9/29/11

by Tom Bair I’ve been vaguely aware of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement since its first sighting on September 17th. Actually, I’d picked up The Post the day prior to find a little information on the coming weekend of football, and found something more alarming than Eli Manning’s sullen face. In that issue, Mayor Bloomberg […]