Alanzo Robles-Gordon – Paintings

Zev Gottdiener – The Breadman I

I       The boy woke up to the bread man’s song, blaring distorted from the loudspeaker’s funnel haphazardly attached to the roof rack by cut up and twisted coat hangers. He was sweaty, caught in the rays of sun broken only by the window bars which cast patterned shadows on the wall behind his head. […]

I Can’t Find New York

by Tom Bair I can’t find New York. I’ve looked everywhere. It’s okay though. I’m not too worried. I lose things all the time, and so . . . so I’ve picked up many methods of recovery along the way. Retracing my steps, cleaning, doing something else, pacing furiously, crying, etc. Or I’ll check the […]

Back to Browsing

by Dana Jaye Cadman Limitlessness and Impetus in Search & The Possibilities of Satiation In the search for content, limitlessness means that we can search for art whilst and where-ever we please. And we expect to find exactly what we are looking for. It’s simple. I know what I want is out there. In a […]

by Marissa Paternoster

On Movement | Between Art and Capital

by lewis levenberg A few words, this week, on the vagaries of hanging out our shingle once more. We’ve encountered setbacks, delays, challenges, and so on. But we’re still dogging this startup—this conglomeration of our assets into publication, incubation, and focused curation—and it’s time to share what we’ve learned so far. Here’s to the phoenix, […]